Just a little Monday blog

There’s a man in our neighbourhood who walked his dog at least twice a day. I would see him each morning as I backed the car out of my driveway and again in late afternoon when I came home. On chilly mornings, he wore a plaid woolen jacket and casual pants and would raise his hand in greeting if he noticed me. When he walked his friend at the end of the day, he was still in his work clothes – shirt and tie and full-length dress coat – and you knew he’d returned home just long enough to grab the leash and head out again.

For the longest time, the dog he so faithfully walked was a small, short-haired, caramel coloured canine with a pointy muzzle and equally pointed ears. If it was bitterly chilly, the dog wore a red knitted sweater. The man vanished for most of this past fall and winter and I wondered if he had moved. He’s recently returned to walking every morning and every evening, but the dog that now trots ahead of him is a black and white Shih Tzu in a red sweater.

I was thinking of the man with his new companion as I took Riley out this evening without Catie – she’s at the vet hospital for her third chemo treatment. It felt strange to walk with just one dog.

It’s hard to believe it will be ten – or is it eleven – weeks this coming Wednesday since Catie had her amputation; three months since her cancer diagnosis. Getting up is a little more difficult for her; she still avoids the stairs to the family room, and she doesn’t hop up on our bed as often as she used to, but all in all she has so easily adapted to the loss of limb, I can hardly remember her having four. Time has a funny way of  marching on.

Catie should be home soon.

Author: CatiesMom

Mom of SEVEN-year old Catie and five-year old Riley, Golden Retrievers.

6 thoughts on “Just a little Monday blog”

  1. Your post hit home about how strange it feels to walk one dog. When Mackenzie couldn’t join Kobe and me on our walks after her diagnosis, I felt strange too. Then I’d see all the neighbors walking with 2, 3 dogs at a time and here I was with 1 dog now. Left an empty hole in my heart. I called that a mini loss which we’ve had a lot of but are now starting to win back since Mackenzie’s able to do so much more these days.

    Wow, almost a 3 month ampuversary for Catie! That’s great to hear. You’re so right – I hardly remember the days of 4 legs too. How well we all end up adjusting. Hope Catie’s chemo treatment goes well and she feels ok from it. Give her lots of golden hugs and kisses from us!
    Kami, Mackenzie and Kobe

  2. I hope Catie’s chemo went well today, Carmen. Sending you lots of positive thoughts !

    I’m sure it’s weird for Riley, too, when Catie isn’t walking with you.

    It was heartbreaking when we took Sophie out to the dog park after we lost Keaton. She just stood and looked at all the other goldens – I think trying to figure out which one was Keat. We didn’t have too long with that, however, as she had her surgery 2 weeks later.

    Enjoy the alone time with your mom, Riley !

    Tana and Sophie

  3. Happy Ampuversary Catie! At least for me, I’ve been getting stronger…and maybe you will too and hop up on that bed more often in the coming days. I am pretty sure it’s still winter where you are right?(Canada?)….with the warmer days and snow melting in my yard, I’ve been getting stronger the past couple weeks…so, here’s to hoping you will too and do the things you used to more easily!


  4. Hurry home Catie and I’m sendin lots of warm wishes your way! Springs is comin and everything seems betters in the springs. My foster moms says she can’t imagines me with 4 legs, cause I’m already troubles on 3. I think humans are pretty good at adjustin. (though not as good as us dogses). Feel better soon, Big C.

    Luvs, Rosie

  5. Catie has it really been that long? Wow.

    Yep, we all learn to adapt. It’s the humans who take longer than we do.

    My Mom says she doesn’t know how people manage to walk 2 dogs at the same time. She’s says I’m more than enough dog at the end of the leash.

    Maybe you’ll get to meet your new neighbor friend now that spring is almost here?

  6. Time goes by way too fast if we like it or not! That is why we have to enough every minute we can!

    We hope this chemo round treats you well Catie!

    Keep your chin up Riley!

    XOXO and Hi-Paws,
    Dillon and Rhys

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