For anyone who has been worrying about Barney, please know that he’s been very safe here in Edmonton, Alberta. It took him quite a while to make the journey from Loveland, Colorado. Canada Customs don’t let any purple dinosaurs cross the border without serious scrutiny. We’re lucky he made it at all.
Barney’s journey started on April 9th from Loveland but he didn’t arrive until April 19th, the day of Catie’s fourth chemo treatment. His visit was unexpectedly lengthy for several reasons and we apologize for the delay; Catie wasn’t herself for the first week and there was a simply a lot of other stuff going on.
Edmonton can’t compare to places with charming names (a nickname of ours is Deadmonton) like Loveland or Fairbanks, Portage Lake, Madison or Livermore (well, maybe not Livermore), but Catie and Riley were happy and grateful to Spirit Peyton, Cami, Kris, Dillon and Rhys for sending him our way.
We have to admit it wasn’t exactly love at first sight. Barney’s introduction was greeted with suspicion. He didn’t do himself any initial favours by bursting out of the box in a frenzied purple blur to immediately perform all kinds of agility tricks. He scared Catie and Riley half to death. Who taught him those tricks and what was with the sweater? Why did he smell like a pug? What was with the puppy breath? Where the heck were the fritos? Was there a danish somewhere here? Who put barbecue sauce on him and who dropped all those leaves in the bottom of the box? It all simply confounded poor Catie and Riley’s old factory senses.
When things calmed down (mostly when Barney stopped showing off his fancy dinosaur manoeuvres) and they all got used to one another, we made sure Barney had some fun with Catie and Riley at the dog park.

- Barney playing peek-a-boo

We took Barney, Catie and Riley downtown for a little urban tour, consisting primarily of our art museum and some governmental monuments. We’re not sure he was particularly interested in our municipal and parliamentary procedures (our politics are pretty boring) but he was a good sport about it all.

Everyone was pretty much tuckered out by the time we got home. Barney went for a much-needed lie-down in the guest bedroom. Yes, he had his own room; it was the least we could offer after his long trip.

We were stunned when we checked on him a while later to find the bed much more occupied than when we left him.

All in all, we had a great time during Barney’s extended stay. We didn’t get to do quite as much as we’d hoped but we hope he enjoyed his visit. Although he was welcome to stay as long as he wanted, wanderlust is making him keen to move on. We are sad to see him go but we know there are so many other Tripawds yearning to see him and he’s getting packed and ready to go. He’s an absolutely tangibly huggable, funny-looking, soft-bellied, warm-hearted ambassador of all the overwhelming support and love on this site.
We’re happy we found you.
Thank you.
Carmen, Rick, Catie and Riley
I love you
You love me
We’re a happy family
With a great big hug
And a kiss from me to you
Won’t you say you love me too?
Barney Lyrics byLee Bernstein
THE LAST WORD FROM RILEY: Catie and mom liked Barney way more than I did. And those weren’t love bites I was giving him. Seriously, the dude really bugged me when he stole my ball.
i am laughing so hard, i might pee myself… riley, i think there’s something strange about a ‘purple’ dude as well. gayle
Looks like Barney had a good time while he was here in Edmonton, Carmen. Your dogs are beautiful. Great pictures !
Tana and Sophie
Great visit, great stories, great pictures!! Loved ’em!!! Glad he still knows his agility tricks I taught him! 😉
Way cool, Catie and Riley! We love all the pictures! We’re surprised your mom let Barney have a mouse in bed with him – she must have really liked him. Sounds like a wonderful visit with the purple dude!
Thanks for sharing our great visit with the Tripawds community! What wonderful photos, and so big, too! 😉
And thank you for saving me from Riley! Though I know of at least a couple members who are anxiously awaiting some pup to draw first fluff. 🙂
Thanks, Barn. It was a pleasure. Yes, the pictures are unintentionally bigger than I wanted but you are, after all, larger than life.
(Appreciate the link to the image management tips, thank you!)
What do you mean Livermore isn’t charming??
Actually we used to call it Live No More when I was growing up here.
I’m glad to see Barney continues on his travels relatively unscathed- looks like you showed him a good time.
Karen and the pug girls
Ahem. Yet there are a few unanswered questions…What the heck WAS that on Barney’s butt? And has it occurred to anyone that perhaps the mouse was more than just a friend? Geez, Barney, be little more discreet.
Barney, Now I know it wasn’t just a coincidence when I found you in Opie’s toy box snuggled up to the armadillo.
Quick pups. Hide your favorite toys….Stranger Danger…
Just a heads up, as I see it.
Opie’s mom
You guys thought it was going to be easy to Kill Barney. Funny how the story changes once the purple guy gets delivered to your door. He really is a lovable dude! Why would any dog want to kill him unless he did the unthinkable and stole your favorite ball or favorite snacks!
Good work giving him a vacation! Glad he finally made it to Canada after it took forever!!!
Dillon and Rhys
Opie’s mom might be onto something….
Barney did hang out in the pug girls toy box for awhile- and was caught hanging out with the wabbit…
Karen and the pug girls
I’m throwing my paws in the air! I GIVE UP!
Can Barney give us anymore reasons to want to kill him? He’s now after our favorite toys! He’s sly that way. Riley saw it but being the good natured Canadian he is, he could only be “bugged”! “Bugged” ???!!!
I had high hopes he was M.I.A. for good! I had a plaque all made up for him:
“Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust, Barney is gone – so celebrate we MUST!”
Oh well. Maybe next time.
OK, I’m so glad Barney got out of that hot sweater! Phew…. nice new shirt dude! Won’t be long and he’ll be needing a Speedo!
And, um, about the mousie…and the wabbit…..perhaps Barney is really Barney Bigalow the Dinosaur Gigolo???? Maybe there is more to these trips than meets the eye…hmmmm
Stranger Danger for sure Opie’s Mom!
he he he
Looks like Barney had a great time visiting with Catie and Riley…
Think that maybe Barney had been laughing so hard he split his pants! 🙂
Loved all the pictures… Thanks for sharing!! 🙂
Angel Jake’s Mom
How is that purple dude still in existence?? Even you, Riley? Lettin the poor guy go without some serious stitching and patching is just criminal. That purple dude looks way too happy and comfy.
Luvs, Rosie
LOL!! I have to say that Catie and Riley seem to be the most gracious hosts on this Deadmonton Barney Tour..oops I meant to say Edmonton Barney Tour. What great photos..I especially love the one with Catie and Barney – they look like they could be soul mates. Loved it all – thanks for sharing!
Ohhhh, you made my heart sing watching all of the cool places that Barney got to visit with you. Thank you for being so good to him even though I know you probably wanted to chew him up!
Barney for Premier! Yes!
Riley – seriously, I think you could have thrown Barney off that High Level Bridge when nobody was looking. Especially after he stole your ball. That’s just not right.
I bet Barney will never want to leave Canada after being with such nice hosts.